Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Lollipop?

A poem completely utilizing the senses...

Yellow, as the new born sun,
Pink, as a freshly grown shrub,
I crush it whole, and wait until I hear,
The sound of walking on leaves,
I touch the candy, it’s very smooth,
I wonder if it is like a sanded piece of wood?
Atop a stick lies sugary goodness,
The staff symbolizes old age,
The candy symbolizes youth,
When inside its prison, the candy gives no smell,
But let it out of the wrapper, and then smell it too,
The air smells great with candy,
I take a chance, I take a lick,
Oh no, it’s very sour,
But slowly my tongue likes the taste,
So I guess eating it wont be such a waste!


Anyone think that it describes a lollipop?

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