Friday, April 27, 2012



I believe not following your dream
Is nothing short of the biggest crime...
That’s the first thing in my head
Whenever I sit down and rhyme…

I believe there's a solution to every problem,
Something to lift you up when you’re hit
Something you’re strong enough to follow
When it comes to your life’s dream it’ll always fit

And I see what really happens and it really gets me in a split
I guess that’s what happens when you get by reality hit.

I never thought anyone could stop you
From doing what you want to do
Thought there would be no resource
That wouldn’t come to you to help you make it through!

Sometimes I wonder, what is a dream…?
Is it something that makes you rude, something that makes you mean?
Is it the only thing you can see…?
Does it make the rest of the world look make-believe…

Is it something that shows you what the reality is out there?
Is it something that calms you down, when the world’s given you a scare?
Is it the only thing that by which the rest you can see…?
Does it give you the strength to be the best you can be…?

So I feel your dreams are the freedom you wish to see…
A measure of what you want your life to be!

Like for the deer, the boundless open grass…
A safe haven, where nobody would tresspass;
For the monkey, the great old banyan tree…
Where they have food in abundance and safety to be!

Its the soothing lullaby for when you can’t sleep at night,
Its that flow of energy that gives you respite…
Its that comforting embrace holding you tight;
That tells you everything will be alright…

Or it may be a rousing call to stand up and fight!
The courage that keeps you burning from inside,
The knowledge that what you are doing is right…
To keep moving forward, and climb every height…

When everything else is rusted and old…
When all of the world seems so dark and so cold…
When we look for the spark, the strength in our bone,
Our dreams are all we have; they are all we can hold…

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