Friday, April 27, 2012

The ship

The Ship

Has the ship finally set sail?
For all those who are dull and pale,
The couples facing a rainy day,
My ship has set sail I say...

This ship will take you far and wide,
Far beyond any ordinary divide;
If you trust in your love you'll certainly find,
Your love is with you heart and mind...

This ship, you must get on-
Its dock is where your love was born,
And it must grow, and it must breathe;
Or it will strangle you like a  weed.

Love is patient, love is kind;
But love is also a mastermind-
You'll never know where your ship will go
Not a day forward, love will show.

This journey will take you all your life
It will certainly cause you a lot of strife...
No matter whether you're the husband or wife;
Hold on to the ship for your good ol' life...

This ship, you will find, will stop at many ports;
And, along the coast, you will find many boats...

In these boats you may leave
Your wonderful ship behind;
But then, sweet love again,
You may not find...

But Love... knows all the ways,
So, always it stays,
Even though you may have sailed away;
You may again find your ship in the dock someday...

So all you've heard till now;
Is of the journey dary...
Haven't you been thinking
Of your all-mighty spark?

The same spark, from which your love to you was known,
When your ship to you was shown;
It keeps on gowing through the dark,
After all... it was the spark.

Of a mighty fire, that was to begin,
And give you warmth,
And save your skin...

And through the dark,
All that you may see,
Is the blinding light,
For nothing else can be!

Because when our world goes dark;
Yours is lit by the spark...
And for all I can see,
That's how all our worlds should be...

So go through all the troubles;
They make you wise...
You won't feel any pain, or any lies;
As long as the love, never dies...
Just stay on the ship,
And stay hand in hand;
As you look out together,
Unto distant lands...


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